An Unforgettable Campaign

I want America to prosper, and President-elect Donald Trump’s future is now tied to America’s future. I hope that Mr. Trump will rise to the occasion. At the same time, there are aspects of his journey to the White House that I will never forget.

I will never forget the so-called birther movement, a campaign that disputed President Obama’s U.S. citizenship. Mr. Trump promoted the cause for several years. A 2011 Gallup poll shows that the belief that President Obama was not born in the United States survived the release of his long-form birth certificate.

I will also never forget that Mr. Trump retweeted a false race-based crime statistic that 81 percent of killings of white people were committed by black people. Imagine the kinds of policies someone that believes this might support. The FBI’s 2014 crime statistics show that whites are responsible for 82 percent of white homicides. Crime statistics are knowable and easily searchable. Obviously, spreading falsehoods about the criminality of black people did not disqualify Mr. Trump from the highest office in America. I find that troubling. 

According to Trump’s “Contract with the American Voter,” he pledged to create 25 million new jobs over the next decade, fully repeal and replace “Obamacare,” and build a wall along America’s southern border and make Mexico repay the U.S. for it. Interestingly, President-elect Trump has recently stated that he will try to keep two parts of “Obamacare.” Whether his supporters view this as an example of compromise or dishonesty remains to be seen. As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump had the luxury of only being a critic. Now he must govern.
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