The People v. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

It is possible that Judge Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in the 1980s. It is also possible that Dr. Ford’s allegation of sexual assault is mistaken or, worse, completely made-up. The most compelling arguments seem to be based on who people believe is more credible. For a moment, imagine that Dr. Ford’s description of the alleged incident is accurate.

Beyond her testimony, what convincing evidence of attempted rape could Dr. Ford conceivably present to the public? A corroborating eyewitness? How likely is it that a third party would witness a sexual assault or admit to seeing it if it meant that they might be held partially responsible? Some might ask, “Why would a woman wait decades to report a sexual assault?” For those that are sincerely interested in an answer, Dr. Ford offered several within her testimony:

“People have posted my personal information on the internet. This has resulted in additional emails, calls, and threats. My family and I were forced to move out of our home. Since September 16th, my family and I have been living in various secure locales with guards. This past Tuesday evening, my work email account was hacked, and messages were sent out supposedly recanting my description of the sexual assault.”

Regardless of what anyone thinks about Dr. Ford’s testimony, any threats, ridicule, harassment, or invasions of privacy she experienced afterward says something to girls and women everywhere: Speak out in ways that others believe are questionable or inappropriate, and this is what can happen to you. 

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